I have been sitting in council and have been led on vision quests with Anne for the past 6 years. I continue to be called back again and again to the earth, to these practices, and to the wholeness of humanity because of Anne’s guidance, mentorship, and wisdom.
Anne is a true elder, teacher, and carrier of council and earth based ways. She speaks with deep hearted wisdom and holds her place on the rim of the circle with humility, integrity, honesty, and authenticity. I continue to be awed, inspired and forever grateful to Anne’s walk on this earth, in our community, and in my life in these much needed times.

Cara W. Director, Restorative Justice

Anne Stine is a leading eco-psychologist whose love of the earth and the fertile humus of the human soul has influenced countless people. Her trust and confidence in me, and her spacious holding of my often-halting process have allowed me to grow more rapidly, joyfully and deeply than I ever thought possible.

Susanne, P., Poet and Organizer

Anne Stine is a very skillful guide. I have participated in many of her programs: quests, trainings, seminars and more. She has all the abilities to hold a group and its individuals within the quest ceremony itself as well as safety and guidance in the wilderness. She consciously and lovingly leads participants to prodigious results!

Skye B; Educator and Founding visionary of Little Arrows, Ca.

Last fall I decided to participate in one final vision quest with my long time friend and colleague Anne Stine. I had retired from leading over 100 of my own quests, from 1979 to 2003, so I was no stranger to this profound life enhancing experience. Anne is a beloved and honored member and elder of the Wilderness Guides Council, the international organization of wilderness rites of passage/vision quest guides. Over the years I had grown to love and respect her nurturing, grounded, compassionate, authentic ways. She is everyone’s friend and when she speaks, everyone listens. She is wise, experienced, trustworthy and often funny. I decided to do this last quest with Anne.

This trip was a highlight of my life. I was longing for the solitude the trip offered but ended up loving the group meetings and experience just as much. I loved being with the other wise and creative women, our ages stretching from 53 to 83. We ate wonderful meals together. We had fun! I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. I felt so nurtured, held both in the loving arms of nature and the women with whom I quested.

Anne is stunning in her authenticity and knowledge of the myriad facets of ancient and modern vision questing - from safety, to understanding and empowering every participant’s life experience, each one’s search for meaning and life purpose. Attention was given to every detail of our well being - both emotionally and physically. My life is forever deepened and broadened, empowered by the insights, love and community I experience on this trip. Last year’s quest was not my “last”. Anne is helping me plan my 75th birthday wilderness celebration and I can hardly wait!

Marilyn Riley Hendee Founder of Wilderness Transitions Inc, Founding Netkeeper of WGC

The wilderness quest is a unique and profound experience under the guidance of a wise and compassionate guide, Anne Stine, who also has years of experience with the ceremony. There are also other amazing women of all ages and the blessings of nature. I would highly recommend it to all who feel the call to take the time in the wilderness to reconnect, heal and create a vision for your time left on this earth.

Becky O, attorney

Going on a ‘vision quest’ with Anne has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. She has a way of combining spirituality, psychology, and earth based practices into a seamless whole. Anne lives out of this place of Oneness that is palpable and a great model. She is able to create a strong container of trust and safety for us so we have the courage to face whatever we need to at the time. She combines this with grace and nourishment on all levels of our being so we can go deeper within and find our own wholeness . She is also able to instill the value of being in a circle of women and allow us to trust and respect each person as part of this Wholeness so new information can come forth together. It has been such a deep and important experience for me that I decided participate in the ceremony annually.

Debra S

The wilderness, community, and ceremony gave me a special opportunity to reflect in a beautiful place. Anne knowledgeably guided me from the moment I signed up all the way to the time of integrating my experiences into my life back home, as she has done for so many people. Many things about Anne have impressed me, especially how deeply she listens and how she cherishes the natural world.

Maria D. Editor

Wilderness Rites, Ashland, Oregon, Copyright 2013, Web Design by: riohelmy.com